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Our categories below contain a selection of addresses and links to find the items you need.
Smart School Uniform, Newcastle, ST5 1AR
Smart School Uniform, Tunstall, ST6 4JZ
National Schoolwear Centre, Hanley, ST1 1LS
We are aware that uniform can be quite expensive so we only insist on a shirt, all other uniform is at your own discretion, our list includes a selection of new and used options which can drastically cut costs.
Badge Book:
Other Accessories:
A badge book is an important part of Girlguiding, it has all of the badges and requirements inside which are largely done at home with our new curriculum. this is the only accessory we ask for, anything further is at your discretion.
We have no affiliation with any of the listed stores, we are providing this service as an aid to parents only and accept no liability for any issues that may arise.
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